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Nazar Şigaher
He recieved his Bsc Degree in Interior Design Department of Architecture Faculy of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University after taking two years of education of Construction in Yıldız Technical University. He continues his MSc degree in History of Architecture at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Along interior design projects in different architectural offices, he focused on furniture design during his education and he is more productive on this field. His sitting system named “Over” was in the collection of 2006 of Derin Design. “Over” was exhibited in various highly respected design organizations such as Milano Design Week and New York ICFF. He is accepted as a talent of future in Wallpaper magazine in 2006 accompanying with the exhibiton of his end table named “Puzzle” in Armani Showroom at Milano Design Week. Nazar Sigaher, whose works are exhibited both internationally and nationally, is a member and a contributor of Institiutions of Civil Society; European Cultural Association and Tershane, which are platforms for expressing new ideas and art. Sinopale (Bienal of Sinop) and Days of Fabrika 2 are few of the organizations that his works were exhibited.